Just What Changes When We Experience Jesus?
Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer

Just What Changes When We Experience Jesus?

One of my most favorite verses in all of scripture is Acts 4:13. To set the scene, it is where Peter and John are standing trial for preaching about Jesus. Peter had just concluded his testimony and it was time for the council to deliberate. Their observation was astonishment, which also means wowed, amazed, bewildered, of great surprise. They knew that they had been with Jesus. These men were befuddled (aka: Dawn’s translation of astonishment) by the boldness, freedom and courage that Peter and John had. Their transformed lives radiated the greatness of Jesus. They couldn’t hide it if they tried.

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What Are the Ripple Effects of Yes?
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

What Are the Ripple Effects of Yes?

Lesson #12 on a Journey to a Water Well

April-May 2016

In April 2016, Henry's preschool teacher informed us the school was taking up a collection for our trip to Uganda. I was floored by her generosity, initiative, and kindness. Especially considering we did not solicit funds. So, I wasn't sure what to do with the preschool's donation.

But I learned God wants to use our yes to impact our marriages, children, and the lives of those around us.

Look around. People are broken, hurting, and hungry for God. Won't you help them get to God? Say yes and watch God create a ripple effect from your obedience.

Rest assured. Saying yes moves us into fulfillment. When we fulfill God's Word and Will, He will satisfy our souls.

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Feminism With a Biblical Worldview

Feminism With a Biblical Worldview

Perhaps the title of this article sounds like an oxymoron to you, but let me assure you, it isn't. It's no secret that there is much controversy over gender roles within the church today. In recent years I have heard of many sex scandals in news media involving trusted religious leaders and Pastors. I’ve listened to an uproar of people exclaiming women in the church are belittled or oppressed, and I sadly watched as a famous and well-respected Pastor openly shunned and mocked a fellow Christian woman for her leadership position in ministry. So regardless of your stance on this topic, the issue I raise today is likely not new to you.

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Can You Release the Jar?

Can You Release the Jar?

The other day, a jar of enchilada sauce defeated me. I gripped the lid tightly, twisted the bottom in the opposite direction from the top, and tried to access the sauce inside the jar. The lid stubbornly refused to budge. I re-gripped and tried again, but the lid remained in place. A third attempt also proved useless. Various family members passed through the kitchen, and I solicited their help to release the grip of this tenacious lid. Finally, my husband appeared and saved the day. The lid opened with a pop and the jar surrendered its contents to the enchiladas lined up in my pan.

The jar’s top functioned as it was designed. It kept the sauce contained and protected until the contents were needed. If anything, the protective lid struggled to release the sauce when it was time.

I know how the top of that jar felt. I have prayer requests that I have gripped as tightly as the lid gripped that jar because I’m sure they are the right solutions to my problems. You might do the same.

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Why Do I Always Feel Passed Over?
Dawn Spicer, Acceptance, Approval, Chosen, Rejection Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer, Acceptance, Approval, Chosen, Rejection Dawn Spicer

Why Do I Always Feel Passed Over?

When you think of the phrase “pass over,” it may bring some negative feelings to your mind and heart. Maybe it is just a memory of when you were a child and passed over on the playground, the last pick for the kickball team. Or, maybe you have recently been passed over for a promotion at your job or you might just feel like you have been passed over your entire life from rejection after rejection. I know at times in my life, I have simply sat feeling unseen and unloved. I was reading in Exodus the other day when this contrast struck me. What, in our day mostly bares a negative sentiment, holds a beautiful story in the pages of scripture.

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What Should We Do When It Gets Hard to Follow God?
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

What Should We Do When It Gets Hard to Follow God?

Lesson #11 on a Journey to a Water Well

Have you ever noticed sometimes life gets harder before it gets easier?

Sometimes taking a step of faith ushers in challenges and uncertainties. Life can get harder before it gets better. But it doesn't mean we're on the wrong path. Quite the contrary, we may have finally stumbled upon God's will. 

That was our experience after committing to sponsor the water well in September 2015. We were confident of God's plan for the water well and had witnessed God prepare our hearts as He miraculously positioned us to fulfill this need.  

But we didn't expect life to get harder.

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Let's always leave room for grace.

Let's always leave room for grace.

I know that most judgmental situations bring a lot more discomfort than this silly story about my husband. Unfortunately, judgment and condemnation can hurt deeply. Maybe you've been shamed for your past mistakes. Perhaps someone demeaned you for being quirky or strange. Maybe they thought you had ill intentions when you were only trying to be helpful. Perhaps you were wrongly accused of something you had no part in. And maybe you were rightly accused, but the judgment brings on deep feelings of shame that cut you to your core.

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Why Keep Going?

Why Keep Going?

Is life painful right now? Are you struggling through hard things? Maybe it is hard by your own doing, maybe not, no matter what, hold fast dear friend.

The healing and renewing of my heart, soul, and mind was the most challenging thing I have ever endured. Thoughts like, I can’t do this, this is too much, I just want to move on churned through my mind constantly. I was broken, and the healing and restoration process was exhausting and incredibly painful. I don’t know about you but when I am exhausted, deeply hurting, or uncomfortable, I want to flee the situation as quickly as possible and move on.

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How Can I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions?
Susan McAlinden, Surrender Susan McAlinden Susan McAlinden, Surrender Susan McAlinden

How Can I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions?

Today is the middle of January, which means many New Year’s resolutions, words, and themes have been proclaimed. Several studies show that by the end of January, almost half of the goals that were determinedly declared on January 1st have been discarded just four short weeks later.

What were you hoping to change, improve, accomplish, or become in 2023? Are you still resolute or are you feeling the temptation to throw in the towel and maybe try again another time? Or have you already sadly accepted defeat?

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What Will be the Harvest of Our Prayers?
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

What Will be the Harvest of Our Prayers?

Lesson #10 on a Journey to a Water Well

One of my favorite memories from our journey to a water well happened in September 2015. After dropping Henry off at preschool, I parked in the school parking lot and drafted several emails and lists of things to do.

After allocating the proceeds of Tim's promotion in August to the unknown well, we were on track to financially sponsor a water well by the summer of 2016.

But what water well and where?

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I've always been a sucker for the new year and the fresh feeling it brings. For me, early January typically comes with a sigh of relief as the hustle and bustle of the holidays fade away, and a fresh new hope is on the horizon as we prepare for another trip around the sun. As my Christmas décor comes down and I sweep glitter and pine needle debris into my dustpan, I'm often fooled into thinking I'll do something similar with all the yucky parts of my life in the coming new year as well.

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What’s the Difference between being fruitful versus busy?
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

What’s the Difference between being fruitful versus busy?

Let's use the last post of 2022 to discuss margin because margin can be a game-changer for 2023.

Let's think of margin as giving God enough space to ask and do the unexpected. Few paint a better picture of the power of margin than Bob Goff.

If you've ever read the book, Everybody, Always by Bob Goff, you know Bob is an incredible storyteller and has a knack for sharing amazing adventures. The entire book boils down to one truth, love everybody, always.

God understands that loving people has more to do with experiencing satisfaction than we might realize. Maybe that's why He said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:38) 

Loving everybody always may sound simple, but you may know a few difficult people. A few people, it might be challenging to love always.

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Why Can’t I Surrender?

Why Can’t I Surrender?

I was on a conference call when it happened, but I could have easily been on the phone with one of my young adult kids, or in the kitchen when my husband came home, or having lunch with a good friend. Someone made a comment that shattered my peace and filled me with dismay and devastation. The rest of my world stopped while my thoughts started spinning. How can I solve this problem?

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Who is God and what does He want from me?

Who is God and what does He want from me?

As I write, I look back upon a girl who was once blind to the magnitude of how mighty, powerful, loving, holy, and good her Heavenly Father is, and I wish someone had told me these truths sooner.

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Who Am I Serving?

Who Am I Serving?

In the last two years, I’ve become so consumed with doing all the things for all the people (somewhat necessary as a mother) that I’ve failed to protect my private relationship with Jesus. I’ve slowly drowned out conversations with God with demands on myself. My quiet meditation of His truths and promises is now being used for list-making, task-mastering, and box checking. I’ve justified it all by insisting I’m serving our family, the school, the community, committees, etc.

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Does God Give Sneak Peeks?
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

Does God Give Sneak Peeks?

Lesson #9 on Journey to a Water Well.

A few days after I met my new friend on the playground in June 2015, she invited Ben to her son's birthday party.

As Ben and I walked into the party, we noticed a man sitting outside the venue, simultaneously striking keys on a laptop while nodding his head with the phone to his ear. His call ended before we passed, and he jumped up to introduce himself as the father of Ben’s friend.

When we mentioned their upcoming move, He shared the vision God had cast for their mission with Amazima Ministries and how God had connected them to Katie in Uganda. His passion was palpable and scripture coursed throughout his conversation. 


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Will She Ever Talk To Me Again?
Dawn Spicer, Redemption, Friendship, Forgiveness Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer, Redemption, Friendship, Forgiveness Dawn Spicer

Will She Ever Talk To Me Again?

I was standing in the same place that I do every Sunday morning at church as I welcome people, answer questions, and help wherever necessary. I glanced over my shoulder and there she was; an old friend that I had not spoken to in over eight years. As I watched her get closer and closer, everything about our last interaction came rushing back to my mind. This was someone who had been struck by the shrapnel of my reckless words, and bad decisions. All those years ago, hateful talk had been exchanged and promises were declared that we would never speak again.

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