How Can I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions?

  • “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (ESV)

    Lamentations 3:24


Today is the middle of January, which means many New Year’s resolutions, words, and themes have been proclaimed. Several studies show that by the end of January, almost half of the goals that were determinedly declared on January 1st have been discarded just four short weeks later. 

 What were you hoping to change, improve, accomplish, or become in 2023? Are you still resolute or are you feeling the temptation to throw in the towel and maybe try again another time? Or have you already sadly accepted defeat? 

 I know what it’s like to want to change something and to feel frustrated and disappointed to discover that change is harder than you thought. I’ve also learned how to hold on to a dream when change doesn’t seem possible. 

 A few years ago, one of our kids experienced a sports injury that threatened to severely impact her future. We visited multiple doctors and many health professionals but saw little improvement in her condition. There was a very real chance that her life would forever be changed and her ability to live independently would be snatched away by the harshness of living in a broken world. 

 The effects of the injury permeated through our family, with one of the biggest repercussions being the strain that occurred in our marriage. My husband and I were both willing to try everything the various healthcare professionals recommended, but we passionately disagreed on the approach. 

 I was at my wit’s end watching our child suffer and feeling out of sync with my husband. Something needed to change so we could work together during this emotionally challenging time. 

 I knew that God had the answer to what would help our daughter, so day after day, I sat in my favorite chair reading my Bible and begging God to show me what we should try next. Surely if I heard from Him, my husband and I would unite, and our daughter would make some forward progress.

God kindly spoke, but His response was not what I expected. He gave me Bible verse after Bible verse about hope. This was so different from what I requested that I felt confused and, to be honest, a little bit disappointed. What good was hope? It felt too broad to be useful. 

As the days passed and the Bible verses about hope grew in number, my perspective changed. Maybe God wasn’t going to show me the next step on our journey, but He clearly wanted me to hope. The implication seemed to be that something better was ahead. 

 I still didn’t know what treatment to try next, but my spirit no longer felt defeated, and I was able to support the way my husband wanted to implement the various treatment options. 

 In the end, hope served me well. It took several years, but our daughter gradually improved. She will soon graduate from college and begin a life of independence. 

 God used hope when our daughter was injured to encourage me that the details didn’t matter and that I could believe there were better days ahead. That’s true for you, too. With God on your side, there is always hope for your future.

 But there is a bigger truth found in Lamentations that God whispered in my spirit. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:24 (ESV)

Where we place our hope is more important than what we hope for.

Are you hoping to change your future using your own strength, or are you willing to trust God and depend on His strength? Because whom you trust changes everything.


I don’t know what you hope to accomplish this year, but I know how you can succeed. If you hope in Him, and His plans for you, you may have your best New Year yet, and that’s ultimately what your New Year’s resolution was meant to accomplish.


Dear Lord, you know how much I want to change __________. Will you give me the strength to accomplish this? If that’s not your will for me, please show me what you want for me this year and help me trust you to accomplish that. Jesus, I need you in my life. In your name I pray, Amen






Resources to Help:


1.     Remind yourself of God’s love for you. He loves you more than you love yourself. When you find yourself struggling with your resolution, ask Him for strength to persevere, and trust Him to supply it.


Songs to Help:


1.     “All My Hope” Hillsong Worship

2.     “In Christ Alone” Kristian Stanfill


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