Get wisdom, get understanding;
don’t forget or turn away from the words from my mouth.

Proverbs 4:5


Is life painful right now? Are you struggling through hard things? Maybe it is hard by your own doing, maybe not, no matter what, hold fast dear friend.

The healing and renewing of my heart, soul, and mind was the most challenging thing I have ever endured. Thoughts like, I can’t do this, this is too much, I just want to move on churned through my mind constantly. I was broken, and the healing and restoration process was exhausting and incredibly painful. I don’t know about you but when I am exhausted, deeply hurting, or uncomfortable, I want to flee the situation as quickly as possible and move on.

In those moments of angst, it is important to simply pause, stop, and take a breath. 

When we flee, we don’t grow. When we busy ourselves with unnecessary stuff to avoid hard things, we don’t grow. The reality is, the journey through valleys of life includes transformation and growth with a radical cleansing of our souls that can be very difficult. Yet, for that to truly happen, it takes effort from us not avoidance. 

So, how do we do this? 

The good news is that we don’t have to do it alone. We have a Savior, a Redeemer, a faithful Father that is unfailing in His love and compassion for us. Call out to Him, the King of Kings, through His Word. Lean into the goodness that He gives us freely through the wisdom of His Truth. Seek out those whispers of hope that are glimpses of grace.

Don’t borrow busy to ignore the tough parts of the journey. We must sit in the hard and tend to our hearts to harvest the newness He has for us. His Word doesn’t say, run from me, tire yourself, and flee from all stress. Instead, it tells us to come to Him when we are weary, when we are burdened and He promises us rest. (Matthew 11:28)  Trust that. He doesn’t want to leave us in the wilderness of our journey.

The beauty in the breakthrough will come. The triumph in the transformation will come. The radiance in the restoration will come.

Keep going, my friend. My life continues to be a living testament of sitting in the hard, fighting through the mess, and living out the newness He did indeed have for me. Let it be an affirmation and evidence of His love for you.   

We win in the end. There is victory in the end.  How would you live life in light of the fact that we know the end of the story? Let that be an encouragement to you today. 


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