Why Does Surrender Feel So Scary?
Guest Writer, Surrender Susan McAlinden Guest Writer, Surrender Susan McAlinden

Why Does Surrender Feel So Scary?

It was 4 am as I stood trembling in front of the bathroom mirror and whispered “my life is not going to be the same!”. I had just taken a pregnancy test and to my dismay it was showing positive. A flood of worries came crashing into my head as I felt an overwhelm of emotions. How will this affect each of us in the family? Is my body ready for this journey? How will my teenage sons react to the news? How did this even happen?! I spent the next three hours with a million thoughts a minute racing through my mind.

What do you do when situations you thought were very much under your control and caution get overridden?

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Authentically, Imperfectly Human
Guest Writer, Self-Sufficiency, Surrender Guest Writer Guest Writer, Self-Sufficiency, Surrender Guest Writer

Authentically, Imperfectly Human

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: most days I’m a hot mess. And by hot mess, I mean I’m usually trying my best, while juggling all my imperfections and the ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, being a wife and friend, working a few part-time jobs, and everything else in between.

While I love this little life I have, sometimes I wonder if I’m doing anything right. Do my kids feel loved, or am I ruining them? Is my faith strong enough? Did I turn in a winning work project, or did I miss the mark? Does anyone truly relate to me, or am I alone and crazy? It’s hard being a human!

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Is Jesus Enough?
Guest Writer, Mental Health Guest Writer Guest Writer, Mental Health Guest Writer

Is Jesus Enough?

“I just wanted Jesus to be enough,” flashed in my mind with a faith-battering force as I sat frightened and alone in the Turkish psychiatric hospital. My life had imploded. I was the wife to an adoring husband, the mother of 4 beautiful children, and lived my days as a missionary in a predominantly Muslim country sharing hope in Christ. Childhood trauma, effortlessly concealed behind a well-manicured appearance, gnawed away at my mind going unnoticed by even those closest to me. Dangerous thoughts, strangely coexisting with Scripture, had taken up residence in my mind, secretly threatening my life by irrationally presenting death as the only option of escape.

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From Brokenness to Depth By Jodi Rosser
Guest Writer Guest Writer Guest Writer Guest Writer

From Brokenness to Depth By Jodi Rosser

Two of my favorite things were combined to make this magnificent masterpiece that hangs by my front door.

Beautifully broken glass pieced together like a mosaic on top of a gorgeous rod iron tree with deep roots.

This artwork mirrors my story.

Brokenness. I could relate to that. The shattered dreams and smashed hopes of my own life resembled those broken pieces.

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