Why Do I Always Feel Passed Over?
Dawn Spicer, Acceptance, Approval, Chosen, Rejection Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer, Acceptance, Approval, Chosen, Rejection Dawn Spicer

Why Do I Always Feel Passed Over?

When you think of the phrase “pass over,” it may bring some negative feelings to your mind and heart. Maybe it is just a memory of when you were a child and passed over on the playground, the last pick for the kickball team. Or, maybe you have recently been passed over for a promotion at your job or you might just feel like you have been passed over your entire life from rejection after rejection. I know at times in my life, I have simply sat feeling unseen and unloved. I was reading in Exodus the other day when this contrast struck me. What, in our day mostly bares a negative sentiment, holds a beautiful story in the pages of scripture.

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What’s the Difference between being fruitful versus busy?
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

What’s the Difference between being fruitful versus busy?

Let's use the last post of 2022 to discuss margin because margin can be a game-changer for 2023.

Let's think of margin as giving God enough space to ask and do the unexpected. Few paint a better picture of the power of margin than Bob Goff.

If you've ever read the book, Everybody, Always by Bob Goff, you know Bob is an incredible storyteller and has a knack for sharing amazing adventures. The entire book boils down to one truth, love everybody, always.

God understands that loving people has more to do with experiencing satisfaction than we might realize. Maybe that's why He said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:38) 

Loving everybody always may sound simple, but you may know a few difficult people. A few people, it might be challenging to love always.

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