Is God Calling You to Sit or Serve?
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

Is God Calling You to Sit or Serve?

Many years ago, when my children were very small, our family hosted Thanksgiving dinner. I spent weeks preparing, crafting the menu, shopping for needs, cleaning our home, and setting the China. The morning of Thanksgiving, we carefully balanced entertaining our children with keeping our house clean and perfectly timing the turkey for our guests. We graciously hosted an elderly couple far from family or friends who would have otherwise spent Thanksgiving alone. As I served the gentleman a generous slice of apple pie with ice cream, he turned and asked. “Is this homemade?”

Just like the Thanksgiving turkey is stuffed with dressing, the holidays are filled with expectations.

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Can You Hear Him? (Learning to Discern God’s Voice. part 2)

Can You Hear Him? (Learning to Discern God’s Voice. part 2)

Lesson #7 on a Journey to a Water Well.

I believe most Christians want to know and do God’s will. And I think God is speaking to most Christians. But some fail to recognize His voice. Because sometimes His voice presents like a deep-seated knowing, idea, or thought. In the spiritual metaphor, His voice wasn’t in the wind, the fire, or the earthquake. It was in the still, small voice. (1 Kings 19:11-12)

His voice is subtle.

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From Unfulfillment to Fulfillment
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

From Unfulfillment to Fulfillment

Fulfillment speaks to a primal need because many long for enduring happiness or satisfaction. Unfortunately, this definition lacks the context to produce the intended meaning and explains why so many have fallen victim to its quest. I’m convinced the devil’s greatest deceptions begin with a 10% lie. 

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