Can You Hear Him? (Learning to Discern God’s Voice. part 2)

Can You Hear Him? (Learning to Discern God’s Voice. part 2)

Lesson #7 on a Journey to a Water Well.

I believe most Christians want to know and do God’s will. And I think God is speaking to most Christians. But some fail to recognize His voice. Because sometimes His voice presents like a deep-seated knowing, idea, or thought. In the spiritual metaphor, His voice wasn’t in the wind, the fire, or the earthquake. It was in the still, small voice. (1 Kings 19:11-12)

His voice is subtle.

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What’s With Obedience?
Dawn Spicer, Obedience Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer, Obedience Dawn Spicer

What’s With Obedience?

Several years ago I accidentally put a knife through my hand while cutting an avocado. It immediately began bleeding profusely and my husband quickly wanted to call 911. I told him not to because I was convinced it would eventually stop bleeding and I would be ok. Thankfully, he didn’t listen to me and called anyway. I stood over the sink with my hand clenched, not letting anyone examine it.

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How Should God’s Love Impact Our Fears and Lead us to Yes?
Dana Wrinkle, Obedience, Trust Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle, Obedience, Trust Dana Wrinkle

How Should God’s Love Impact Our Fears and Lead us to Yes?

Is anyone old enough to remember Tina Turner’s song “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” You might wonder what love has to do with freeing you from free or enabling you to say yes to God. In fact, you’d be wise to spend some time teasing out these spiritual mysteries. Fear has been in ample supply over the past two years, and we’ll hear a lot about love today since it’s Valentine’s Day. The better question is: how should God’s love impact our fears and lead us to yes?

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What’s stopping you from living a Life of Significance?

What’s stopping you from living a Life of Significance?

At fourteen, I did not know how to hold my thoughts and feelings up to the Word of God. I did not know how to take every thought captive. Because of that, I was easy prey for the devil. He deceived me. I believed my feelings. I believed my thoughts. I believed my friends Dread and Fear when they told me I would be all alone in Africa, with no family or friends, living in a mud hut, with no food, starving children, mosquitos, HIV, and malaria.  Dread and Fear told me God was not good, and he was holding out on me. I believed they were right. There was nothing good to be found by following Jesus to Africa.  

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