What’s With Obedience?

“He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross. For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.”

Philippians 2:8-10 (CSB)

Several years ago I accidentally put a knife through my hand while cutting an avocado. It immediately began bleeding profusely and my husband quickly wanted to call 911. I told him not to because I was convinced it would eventually stop bleeding and I would be ok. Thankfully, he didn’t listen to me and called anyway. I stood over the sink with my hand clenched, not letting anyone examine it. The ambulance arrived and the nice paramedic came over and tried to grab my hand to open it and check it out. I told him not to touch it as I refused to open my hand. Looking me straight in the eyes he said, “mam, I can help you, you just have to let go and let me.” Amidst my hesitation and panic, he slowly took my hand and guided it open, never breaking eye contact with me. We later learned that I severed an artery and if Jeremy would not have called 911 and the gentleman not guided my hand open and taken me to the hospital, I would have bled out and died. I was holding on to my own hand, keeping it closed real tight, unwilling to do what was being asked of me. I was bleeding out on the other side of my hand because I was so much more consumed with my comfort and what I thought was best in that moment, that I wouldn’t listen to the expert. 

This is actually a perfect picture of what happens in our walk with the Lord when we try to hold our grip on something that we aren’t meant to. When we aren’t obedient to whatever or wherever the Lord is calling us because we are comfy and cozy where we are, we are acting as if we know what is best. I don’t know about you but I have been in that place where I am loving life and I begin to feel the tug from the Lord to do something out of my comfort zone or that I simply don’t want to do and I just disregard it. What I am ignoring is that nudge of the Holy Spirit pointing me to move, to take a step forward, a leap of faith that seems really really hard. So often I just want to hold on tight to where I am and not do whatever it is because I am comfortable and life is good. Why do I need to do this, why would God change things, move me, ask me to step out?  Obedience is why, obedience to our good God who always has what is perfect for us even when what we have in the moment feels perfect. 

But, when we hold on to something, when we are fiercely gripping something not wanting to move wherever the Lord is asking – we can bleed out spiritually. 

As He slowly opens our grip of comfort, with His gaze upon us, all He wants us to do is keep our eyes fixed on Him, so He can move us, grow us, and transform us. 

In those moments where we allow Him to move in us, easing our grip, is the spaces where we grow gardens of goodness in our souls. 

Priscilla Shirer said in her bible study, Discerning the Voice of God, “When we refuse to follow God’s direction, it’s usually because we’re convinced that whatever he’s asking us to give up is greater than what we’ll gain.”  Can you relate?  I am raising my hand because I indeed can. Yet, when we look in scripture we see God calling people to obedience over and over when it was uncomfortable, outrageous and just didn’t make sense at times and they still went. These people still obeyed. 

 He called Abraham to leave his home and wander around in foreign lands among strangers who, as far as he knew, might kill him on sight. He called a meek, timid Moses to stand before the most powerful ruler in the known world and demand the release of the Hebrew people. Friend, Jesus gave up his life in obedience for us. Jesus suffered more than any person ever has or ever will, and he did it all for us. How do we not give up whatever He asks of us to walk in obedience with Him? 

 When we walk in obedience with Him, it isn’t always easy but boy do we grow closer to Him, stronger in Him and He will always give us a peace that is unmatched. 

 What is God calling you to today?  What will you have to let go in order to take that step in obedience?  Join me in letting go, releasing that grip and walking in the goodness of obedience to Him. Let’s walk it out together. 


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