From Unfulfillment to Fulfillment

“…for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Philippians 2:13 NIV


Did you know the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia held a firm belief in the fixed meaning of words? He believed words should not change their meaning. Furthermore, he advocated for judging an author’s intention based on the meaning of the words he chose at the time of the writing. Because of this, Scalia often referred to a 1934 edition of Webster’s Dictionary when interpreting historical legal documents. 

Sometimes words are added to our vernacular to voice previously unknown ideas, theories, or details. Sometimes words are redefined to make them more palatable. Other words once considered common or appropriate are suddenly deemed outdated or offensive. Some people feel the same way about the Bible.

They are tempted to believe it is antiquated, irrelevant, or even offensive. Some seek to change the way words in the Bible are used to make them more agreeable, but God has a way of validating the truthfulness and relevancy of His Word. His truth is fixed and immovable. 

 Many define fulfillment as a feeling of happiness, satisfaction, or fulness.  It’s a lovely definition and an enviable word.  

Fulfillment speaks to a primal need because many long for enduring happiness or satisfaction. Unfortunately, this definition lacks the context to produce the intended meaning and explains why so many have fallen victim to its quest. I’m convinced the devil’s greatest deceptions begin with a 10% lie. 

 Noah Webster (American Dictionary of the English Language 1828 edition) defined fulfillment as Accomplishment. Completion; as the fulfillment of a prophecy He defined fulfill as: To accomplish what was intended; to answer in execution or event what has been foretold or promised. To fulfill a prophecy or promise

 Contrast that definition with Cambridge Dictionary’s 2021 definition; Fulfillment: a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction because you are happy with your life.

FULFILMENT | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary 


The difference is subtle and deceptive. Noah’s definitions whisper of Christ. They allude to a higher calling or an intended purpose. Jesus accomplished what was intended. He fulfilled the prophecies. He executed the plan, completed the task, accomplished His intended purpose. He said on the cross, “It is finished.” (John 19:30)

 In contrast, Cambridge’s definition utilizes egocentric words— a feeling of happiness or satisfaction because you are happy with your life. The object of the focus subtly shifts from hints of Christ to traces of self.  

 When we seek satisfaction, success, or a feeling of happiness separate or outside of Christ, we inadvertently slip into idolatry. We look to something other than God to satisfy us. Fulfillment should not be our goal. Instead, our goal should be to seek to accomplish God’s intended purposes for our lives. This will produce satisfaction. Fulfillment is the byproduct of obedience. Experiencing a fulfilled life is the fruit of being used by God to fulfill His promises. God’s intended purpose for our lives is to use us to execute His will and His Word. This is what Jesus did.  

 Many years ago, I realized the world had failed to deliver what it promised. It promised fulfillment if I had a great career, marriage, and family. By God’s grace, God delivered many of my heart’s desires, only to realize they weren’t enough. Something was missing.

 Philippians 2:13 promises God works in us to will and to act in order fulfill His good purpose. Slowly, God began to change my heart as He unraveled this mystery. God works in us to have the desire and ability to follow Him. Saying yes to God is part mystery--part adventure, part trepidation--part exhilaration.  You can’t have one without the other.  But saying yes to God leads to the greatest joys. God uses our obedience in the oddest ways to change the world and to deliver the desires of our hearts.

 The secret to finding the joy of fulfillment is allowing God to fulfill His Word and will through you. Join me on the journey to fulfillment through Jesus Christ our Lord. 



From Temptation to Redemption


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