Would You Rather?

Would You Rather?

As I journeyed through my years of healing, one of the things I had to realize was that I had chosen so many other things for fulfillment over Jesus. My life revealed this in many ways, yet, I didn’t recognize it because I was blinded by comfort and complacency. We often think we are living good and right because we are checking all the good christian boxes, but the reality is how our lives reflect it. Does your life reflect that you choose Jesus above all, that you’d rather Him than any other thing in your life?

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How Should God’s Love Impact Our Fears and Lead us to Yes?
Dana Wrinkle, Obedience, Trust Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle, Obedience, Trust Dana Wrinkle

How Should God’s Love Impact Our Fears and Lead us to Yes?

Is anyone old enough to remember Tina Turner’s song “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” You might wonder what love has to do with freeing you from free or enabling you to say yes to God. In fact, you’d be wise to spend some time teasing out these spiritual mysteries. Fear has been in ample supply over the past two years, and we’ll hear a lot about love today since it’s Valentine’s Day. The better question is: how should God’s love impact our fears and lead us to yes?

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From Temptation to Redemption
Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer Dawn Spicer

From Temptation to Redemption

Hi! I’m Dawn and boy has it been a wild ride for me. Ready to hop on the ride with me? I promise, it is safe now.

All my life, I simply wanted that fairytale dream. You know, the one where you find the perfect mate, you live in the flawlessly decorated farmhouse, and you have two beautiful babes that make your Instagram feed the envy of all. The one where love is always perfect, you are completely fulfilled, and raising your kiddos is all things playdough, playdates, and chocolate-sprinkled doughnuts. It took near destruction of my entire life for me to realize that was not real life and in fact is just in Hollywood blockbusters.

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From Unfulfillment to Fulfillment
Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle

From Unfulfillment to Fulfillment

Fulfillment speaks to a primal need because many long for enduring happiness or satisfaction. Unfortunately, this definition lacks the context to produce the intended meaning and explains why so many have fallen victim to its quest. I’m convinced the devil’s greatest deceptions begin with a 10% lie. 

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What is a Life of Significance?
Dana Wrinkle, Abundant Life, Purpose Dana Wrinkle Dana Wrinkle, Abundant Life, Purpose Dana Wrinkle

What is a Life of Significance?

God has a way of proving Himself true and He’s eager to share His secrets with anyone in search of His truths. He uses our prayers uttered in frustration as invitations.  That’s what He did for me as I wrestled free from the Allure of More’s clasps.  God had graciously provided many of my heart’s desires and yet my soul longed for more.  Only by His grace, did I realize, the answer was not a bigger house, better job, or more exotic vacation.  Gently, He whispered to my soul, I am the more you crave. After 20 plus years as His daughter, I craved the cadence of His voice, His subtle prompts directing my paths.

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