What is a Life of Significance?

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.

John 10:10 (KJV)

In the 14th and 15th centuries, it was a common tactic among pirates to fly a false flag. They would create peril nearby and then fly a flag of surrender or a flag from another country to lure unsuspecting ships near in search of help.  When ships seeking aid approached, they were ambushed by the pirates. 


This is the same tactic utilized by our nemesis, the Allure of More.  She may lack a physical presence, but her tactics are just as crafty as the pirates of old.  Gingerly, she entices our hearts by flying a false flag.  Yet, as soon as we approach her, she evades our reach and slips through our grasps. Our souls are ambushed.  We realize the Allure of More has shifted and whatever satisfaction she promised fled with her. Perplexed and bewitched we writhe in frustration.  


Why, oh Lord, is this not enough? 


It’s a fleeting thought quickly eclipsed by the next lust for love or prized possession. One moment of introspection is dwarfed by appeals for more.  A tiny question uttered in despair threatens the Allure of More’s reign.  Rightfully so, as her fickle passions promise fleeting satisfaction. And even more than the Allure of More, satisfaction is what we crave.


Our question becomes God’s invitation. He opens our eyes and piques our curiosity as His intended purposes slowly lay seize to our souls.  Somehow, we know we are made for more than fleeting passions or pleasures.


I did not craft the term "Life of Significance." But, when Bruce Johnston defined the term during a lakeside chat at JH Ranch, I knew it was true. He said, "A life of significance is when you add value to other people’s lives, and God backfills into your own life.". 


A Life of Significance competes with the Allure of More for its promise of satisfaction.  However, a Life of Significance suggests a seismic shift in our focus.  As with most things Jesus suggests, the road towards a Life of Significance runs counter to our natural inclinations.  Less is more, more is less, give and it will be given unto you.


God has a way of proving Himself true and He’s eager to share His secrets with anyone in search of His truths. He uses our prayers uttered in frustration as invitations.  That’s what He did for me as I wrestled free from the Allure of More’s clasps.  God had graciously provided many of my heart’s desires and yet my soul longed for more.  Only by His grace, did I realize, the answer was not a bigger house, better job, or more exotic vacation.  Gently, He whispered to my soul, I am the more you crave. After 20 plus years as His daughter, I craved the cadence of His voice, His subtle prompts directing my paths.


My prayer, His invitation, led our family on a journey to a water well in Uganda in June 2016.  God taught me the cadence of His voice through our two-and-a-half-year journey to the well.  Some days, His voice bellowed brazenly in my spirit, but most days it was a still small voice.  A voice so hushed it might be missed without a fervent spirit desperate for the next step.  God taught an unquenchable desire for Him would require obedience to Him in odd requests. Unexpectantly, God unraveled the power and mystery of a Deed of Significance. The unexpected fruit of saying yes to God is realizing our purpose, fulfillment of His Word, and satisfaction for our souls.


God used our family to add value to the lives of strangers in Uganda, and then God backfilled into our lives. He backfilled the abundant life into our souls--peace, purpose, and passion.


Life of Significance resonates with many because somehow, we know we are made for more than the Allure of More. God creates us to fight the giants, part the seas, and bind up the brokenhearted. He creates us to add value to others by loving and serving them because people are more important than possessions or plans.


I want more than a Deed of Significance, I want a  Life of Significance for you and me. It's a journey of learning to move beyond just going through the motions. It's a journey of learning to fulfill God's purpose, live His Word, and experience Him backfilling into our lives. It's a journey of learning to love God.  Jesus called it the abundant life and it’s rooted in Him


Next time, learn the secret to living a Life of Significance.


Want more? Start here. 


1. Read John 10:10. If we define the soul as your mind, emotions, and will, how do you experience the enemy seeking to kill, steal or destroy your soul? For example, how is he working to steal your peace, kill your relationships or destroy your future through sinful choices? 

2. Recall a time God used you to add value to someone else's life; maybe you bought a stranger's coffee or intentionally loved someone who was hurting. Did you experience God backfilling into your life? How?  

Dana Wrinkle

Dana Wrinkle is a writer passionate about saying yes to God and learning to live out His Word.  She understands the fear and uncertainty women experience when facing leaps of faith. Dana has discovered the secret to finding passion, purpose, and satisfaction for your soul is rooted in obedience to God.  She hopes to encourage others to say yes to God and find life in unexpected places.

Dana is a writer, nurse anesthetist, and adventurer with a heart for Africa and lives in North Carolina with her husband and four children.  She loves teaching High School girls bible study, and she continues to share her journey to a water well at churches and women’s events.  Dana is scheduled to lead Kenya Relief’s first-ever Breast Cancer Screening Clinic in Migori, Kenya March 2021.  God has sent Dana on four medical missions to Africa and one God-ordained call to a water well. 


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