Just What Changes When We Experience Jesus?

 “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”

Acts 4:13

Everything.  Everything changes when we experience Jesus. 

One of my most favorite verses in all of scripture is Acts 4:13. To set the scene, it is where Peter and John are standing trial for preaching about Jesus. Peter had just concluded his testimony and it was time for the council to deliberate. Their observation was astonishment, which also means  wowed, amazed, bewildered, of great surprise. They knew that they had been with Jesus. These men were befuddled (aka: Dawn’s translation of astonishment) by the boldness, freedom and courage that Peter and John had. Their transformed lives radiated the greatness of Jesus. They couldn’t hide it if they tried. 

They had been with Jesus, they had built relationship with Him, and as they followed Him, it changed them. 

 Friend, it should be the same with us. Don’t you want to be recognized in that way? When people leave your presence, wouldn’t it be incredible if they are simply astonished at your boldness, your freedom, your kindness and compassion? When we have experienced Jesus, we should leave the glow of grace behind everywhere we go. It is all the evidence of being with Him. 

 The highest compliment someone could ever give is, “Wow, she’s been with Jesus!” 

 How do we get there?

  1. We realize we cannot do anything apart from Him and we seek Him first. Let Him lead.

  2. We meet Him daily, commune with Him, grow with Him, and follow Him all of our days.

  3. We surround ourselves with community that have been with Jesus too. Peter and John were in this together!

    You are your surroundings.  Read that again. 
    When we choose to do life with other Christ Followers, we are cultivating an environment that reflects Jesus. 

Following Jesus can’t help but seep into every nook and cranny of our being, causing us to radiate the light of His goodness.   

When we choose to let social media, bingeworthy shows, gossip and other unhealthy habits take the lead in our lives, darkness begins to overshadow the light. When that light dims, and we are no longer a reflection of our Savior, we are a replication of our world. 

Dig so deep into God’s Word and follow Jesus so fiercely that you can’t hide it if you tried. So much so, anyone you encounter walks away astonished, saying “that woman has been with Jesus.”


Why So Long, Lord?


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