Why So Long, Lord?

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (ESV)

2 Corinthians 12:9

The other day, someone made a comment and it re-opened wounds that I thought had healed. It was completely unintentional on her end, and I was able to stay focused on the conversation with my friend. But her innocent proclamation unleashed a flood of torment in my soul. The anguish I felt came from a reminder that a long-term prayer request of mine has never been answered. It’s just dangling in the wind, waiting for God’s wisdom, and timing to dictate its resting place. Why did God answer her prayer and not mine?

Waiting on God’s timing is something I’ve struggled to do, especially when the answer seems obvious and who I’m praying for is in anguish. Have you ever prayed for a loved one for years and seen no change at all? Maybe the prayers you’ve prayed have been for yourself and God hasn’t yet brought the victory. Whether our prayers are for someone else’s salvation or our own necessities, it’s discouraging when they remain unanswered. Salvation, reconciliation, the cessation of sinful behaviors, a baby, a boyfriend, a job, or other deep desires in our hearts, are all things that take time. As time passes, we may be tempted to wonder, is there something else I should do?

God has His own perfect timing and reasons for holding off on our prayer requests, but that knowledge doesn’t always stop the distress in our souls.

Over time, I’ve learned to tell myself truths that counteract the lies running through my head when discouragement over unanswered prayers threatens to weigh me down. Truths such as, God cares about my request. He also cares that I feel discouraged. God is always working, even when I can’t see any progress, and God’s timing and plan are better than mine.

Recently, I have needed to remind myself of another truth.

Surrendering to His will is an ongoing process, not a one-and-done box to check.

While I would like to think that I surrendered to God’s authority long ago, truthfully, I still fight the urge to be in control. Nowhere is this more apparent than in my checklist of prayer requests. As I mention each item, my mind often wanders and starts problem-solving instead of handing God the problem.

Rarely do I sit with my open wound and admit to Him that I’m struggling to understand why He hasn’t responded. God doesn’t owe me an explanation, but while God is busy working out the best timing and result for my checklist of requests, He’s also willing and available to soothe my spirit and soften my heart. You see, there is a blessing hidden in our long periods of waiting. It’s the presence of God wrapped in meaningful moments of surrender. While it’s tempting to spend our time with God covering a checklist of prayers, sometimes it’s better to tear up our lists and simply sit.

When I take the time to confess my distress, I find something better than an answer to my prayer. I find the answer. It’s always Him. I may want solutions to my problems and understanding to alleviate my anguish, but what I need is Him. It’s both simple and a struggle to surrender our emotions to Him and vulnerably admit our distress. And yet, He always arrives and He’s always just what we need.

When your prayer requests are dangling in the wind, don’t let discouragement displace hope. Stand firm on 2 Corinthians 12:9 (ESV), “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Sharing our struggle to surrender our emotions with Him allows the Spirit to slip in and sustain us. Our prayers may be left dangling, but our restless spirits will have found the perfect place to land. It’s in the arms of the one who holds the world, and everything we need in His capable hands.


Dear Heavenly Father, you know my heart and how badly I want ___________. I’m frustrated and can’t understand why you haven’t responded. Help me trust your timing and your wisdom over my own. I need you. Encourage my soul and soften my heart. In your name I pray, Jesus, Amen.


Resources to Help:

When you find yourself discouraged by another day of unanswered prayer, remind yourself of four things:

A)     God cares about your prayer and your pain.

B)     God is always working, even when you can’t see progress.

C)     God’s plan is better than any other plan.

D)     You can partner with God by surrendering your pain and asking him to sustain you.

Songs to Help:

1.      “Do It Again” by Elevation Worship

2.      “All My Hope” by David Crowder


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