"Oh, sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things."

Psalm 98:1


I've always been a sucker for the new year and the fresh feeling it brings. For me, early January typically comes with a sigh of relief as the hustle and bustle of the holidays fade away, and a fresh new hope is on the horizon as we prepare for another trip around the sun. As my Christmas décor comes down and I sweep glitter and pine needle debris into my dustpan, I'm often fooled into thinking I'll do something similar with all the yucky parts of my life in the coming new year as well. Taking down my big tree and all the Christmas clutter seems to let a little more light shine through my windows, leaving my house looking neat, clean, and simple. I always like to think my new year will start out just the same.


As I fill my storage bins with empty stockings and tuck away dull lights that won't twinkle again for a while, I tend to reflect on the wins and losses my family has experienced over the past 12 months. And each year, I somehow hold onto the hope that the next year might bring only good things. But, a couple of years ago, as I cleaned and packed away ornaments, I realized that most of my circumstances, struggles, and hurts weren't going away. My December problems would only flow into January. The chaos would still hover. Last year's wounds would still sting. And today's struggles would still be waiting on me tomorrow.


 Over time, I have learned that no new year can bring the changes that Jesus can.

We can exercise, de-stress, eat clean, organize, kick bad habits, set boundaries, and simplify all we want, but none of these things will declutter the messiness that lies deep within our hearts. I'm not saying it's bad to make these life changes, to be healthier, or get our lives in order. On the contrary, these are good things that God encourages. But if we aren't pursuing an intimate relationship with Jesus above all else, we'll still feel empty inside. Vice versa- life can be one big, tangled, chaotic ball of craziness, but if we align our hearts with His, we can find peace, joy, and fulfillment even in the struggles.


Friend, I encourage you to put your hope in Jesus over all else in 2023. Don't just trust Him as your Savior. Instead, trust Him to be the Lord of your life. Trust Him to lead and guide you through every trial and triumph this next year might hold. Then marvel over the transformation that comes as He changes, strengthens, and satisfies your heart in ways nothing else in this world can. He may not make our lives perfect - or even simple, but He alone can make our souls feel fresh and new.

No January will ever give us the fresh start that Jesus can


In 2023, let’s become NEW by being . . .

  • Nourished with prayer: Spend time speaking with Him each day. Your prayer doesn't need to be perfect or planned out (though planning and making a prayer list can be helpful if you tend to put prayer off or get distracted). Just speak to Him and listen for His voice. Prayer builds intimacy with God that helps us grow and flourish in connection with Him. 

  • Encouraged by His word: Let's commit to gaining wisdom and insight through His word daily. This practice is how He will speak to us and guide us through all this next year will hold. If you are looking for a manual to get you through 2023, remember that God gave us the Bible as a guidebook for life. What better time to open it than now?

  • Wowed in worship: Instead of continually focusing on ourselves this year, let's become fixated on who He is, praising Him for how mighty, sovereign, powerful, holy, perfect, loving, good, and faithful He is. By taking the focus off us and placing it onto Him, our hearts become transformed, our minds renewed, and our souls strengthened. 


Happy 2023 sweet friends! Go out and make it a great one!


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