Does God Give Sneak Peeks?

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

John 16:13

Lesson #9 on Journey to a Water Well.

A few days after I met my new friend on the playground in June 2015, she invited Ben to her son's birthday party.

As Ben and I walked into the party, we noticed a man sitting outside the venue, simultaneously striking keys on a laptop while nodding his head with the phone to his ear. His call ended before we passed, and he jumped up to introduce himself as the father of Ben’s friend.

When we mentioned their upcoming move, He shared the vision God had cast for their mission with Amazima Ministries and how God had connected them to Katie in Uganda. His passion was palpable and scripture coursed throughout his conversation. 

Once again, God demonstrated He's willing to show up anywhere we're willing to grant Him access. 

Our Father's voice resonated in my spirit during our conversation at the birthday party the same way it had when I read Kisses from Katie almost eighteen months before. 

Kaite painted tangible displays of God's goodness as the Spirit led to repentance. Shaved heads, wide eyes, tattered clothes, and mud-stained toes reflected the sorrows of this world tempered by the goodness of His love. 

In the whirlwind of sorrow and love, God chiseled my calloused heart as He plucked scales from my eyes.  

Revelations of God shift our perspectives, prayers, and desires to align with His.   

How odd for God to connect my new friend and the author of the book He used to draw me closer to Him.

Although tempted to get lost in spiritual reveries, the realities of daily life demanded attention. I swung by Chick fila to refuel between the party and errands. The conversation was still swirling in my mind when the Holy Spirit reminded me of Gideon while sitting in the parking lot digesting my food. 

 In Judges 6, the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon and called him a mighty warrior. To paraphrase, Gideon thought this was an odd reference since he didn't feel mighty. After some debate, disbelief, a sign, and a battle, God proved Gideon to be a mighty warrior. 

 It sounds like an odd story for the Holy Spirit to bring up in the Chick fila parking lot.

 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 

John 16:13

The Holy Spirit revealed that the conviction for the water well fulfilled John 16:13. He was telling me what was yet to come.  

 Lord, are You asking me to sponsor a water well? I thought of the water well as a question. But the Bible doesn't say the Holy Spirit will ask us questions. It tells us the Holy Spirit will speak truth, remind us of everything He said, and tell us of things yet to come. 

 It was as if God was saying; the water well is done. I wasn't asking you to sponsor the water well; I was telling you what is yet to come. Now, walk it out. 

God loves to give sneak peeks. He told Abraham His people would be slaves in Egypt for 400 years. He told Gideon he was a mighty warrior, and Jesus told the disciples what would happen on the third day. 

 So, what's the point? I finally knew we would sponsor a water well in Africa. God was shifting me. He was removing residual doubt. Saying yes to donating the proceeds of merit raises and new tithes were stepping stones for building faith. Now, God wanted to plant my feet upon the Rock to prepare me for the spiritual battles that ensue when we pursue the will of God.  

 I didn't know how, when, or where, but it was no longer a question of if we would sponsor a well.  

 I can't help but wonder if we're trapped living unfulfilled lives because we're stuck questioning if it's God's voice or if it's God's will. 

 Our prayers must move beyond Lord. Is this Your will? To Lord. Show me how to accomplish Your will. And then listen for His answer. Sometimes the answer is practical, like giving money. Sometimes, the answer is divine, like supernatural appointments or connections. 

Gideon still had to fight the war. But the angel's sign gave him the courage to lead the fight. The sign's purpose was to empower Gideon to accomplish God's will. It gave Gideon the courage to press in and press on.

 How have you been wrestling with God? Has God cast vision in your heart, planted a promise in your spirit, sowed a seed of hope, or let you experience the peace that passes understanding? Were those foreshadowings of things to come? 

Rarely is fulfilling God's will an easy or expedient process. Sometimes His promise feels impossible, His process treacherous, or timing delayed. We're tempted not to start or quit mid-stream. But the Holy Spirit will give you glimpses of His promises fulfilled to strengthen you for the trials ahead. 

Lesson #9 on a Journey to a Water Well.

Discerning when the Spirit is telling you of things yet to come will give you strength to live in peace and expectation of His promises. It will equip you to live out yes, Lord.


Want more? Start here.

1.     Read John 16:12-14.

2.     We know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)  In Genesis 15:13, God told Abraham His people would be enslaved for 400 years, and in Matthew 17:22-23, Jesus told His disciples He would be raised to life on the 3rd day.  God has a habit of telling His people of things yet to come.  How does this impact your understanding of John 16:12-14?

3.     What was the purpose of God telling His people of things yet to come in His Word? Think about what you've read in Genesis 15:13 and Matthew 17:22-23.

4.     What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit telling you of things yet to come?

5.     Ask God to help you better discern the Holy Spirit’s voice in your life and what He may be telling you about things yet to come.



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