Will She Ever Talk To Me Again?

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:6


I was standing in the same place that I do every Sunday morning at church as I welcome people, answer questions, and help wherever necessary. I glanced over my shoulder and there she was; an old friend that I had not spoken to in over eight years. As I watched her get closer and closer,  everything about our last interaction came rushing back to my mind. This was someone who had been struck by the shrapnel of my reckless words, and bad decisions. All those years ago, hateful talk had been exchanged and promises were declared that we would never speak again. 

No hope.  

Yet here we were, years later, facing each other for the first time. As she passed by, I smiled and raised my hand to wave. She looked away, kept walking, and right then, my heart sank. I was so saddened and confused by that response that I convinced myself it wasn’t really her, because how could she just walk by and not even say hi after all these years?

An hour later, as I was standing in the very same place, she passed by again, but this time she stopped and smiled. At that moment, everything that happened eight years previous, faded away. It was as though the Lord washed His goodness right over us as we stood there, renewing and refreshing us for a new day. 

This friend was one that I had continued to pray for throughout the years. I had asked the Lord year after year if this relationship could ever be redeemed. Not one glimmer of hope was on the horizon and I had settled and surrendered that our redemption would be in eternity. That is, until that sweet Sunday.

A few days later, we met for coffee, apologies were given from both of us, stories were shared and a new friendship bloomed fresh.

New hope.

Sitting across from me, she shared how she could see the new person I was. She went on to say that my love for the Lord and all He had done in my life was so evident.

This was a person I had hurt deeply and she could have closed the door of restoration forever. Yet, the grace of our God gave her fresh eyes, a forgiving heart, and an outpouring of compassion that was undeserved.

This is yet another thread of grace the Lord has woven into my wonderous redemption story.  

I wish I could say this has happened with every friendship that was lost; I cannot. However, I am never without hope.

With hope. 

With hope, we continue to lay down the burden of the broken, trusting in the redemption of the Redeemer, whether it comes today or in eternity.  

If you find yourself hurting, heartbroken, and longing for mended moments to fall fresh on a relationship in your life; rest in the promises given to us through the Lord’s love letter.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31


And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 1 Peter 5:10


Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6


Hold fast my friend, He has you, He sees you and He is working in and through even when you don’t see it. When there seems to be no hope, rest assured new hope has come and we can always remain with hope


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