“She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”

Proverbs 31:25-26.


Perhaps the title of this article sounds like an oxymoron to you, but let me assure you, it isn't.


It's no secret that there is much controversy over gender roles within the church today. In recent years I have heard of many sex scandals in news media involving trusted religious leaders and Pastors. I’ve listened to an uproar of people exclaiming women in the church are belittled or oppressed, and I sadly watched as a famous and well-respected Pastor openly shunned and mocked a fellow Christian woman for her leadership position in ministry. So regardless of your stance on this topic, the issue I raise today is likely not new to you.


I want to be clear that the purpose of this article isn't to bash men of the church. While I have strong feelings on this subject, I am blessed to feel valued, appreciated, and respected by the men of my church, and for that reason and more, I respect them the same. I believe we all recognize that we are playing on the same team. We are all on Team Jesus, and if our primary goal is to glorify Him, there should be no reason at all to feel threatened by one another. We should instead find unity as brothers and sisters in Christ. This article, in fact, isn't about the church at all. But I would be remiss if I didn't suggest that the most significant part of our problem is that we often fix our eyes on the broken people of the church rather than on Jesus himself.


Perhaps you are a female who has experienced an exaggeration of male authority in religious environments. Maybe you're a woman who's struggled with low self-worth, and you wonder what Jesus has to say about you. Or perhaps you yourself are holding onto the belief that God has a higher opinion of men than He does of women, and you've been content to blame Eve for our misfortune in the ranks. Either way, sweet friend, I write this one for you today, and I pray that these words will clarify some murky misconceptions on this matter.


I’m passionate about this subject because before my husband came along, I struggled with a great deal of rejection and disparagement from men. This damaged my self-worth, self-esteem, and sense of capability. It hindered my passions and confidence and left me feeling intimidated, small, and inferior to men.


But then I met Jesus.


One of the most transformational things that ever happened to me was reading the many stories of Jesus' encounters with women throughout scripture. I fell in love with their stories. I found myself within their pained and troubled hearts and then comforted by His warm embrace as I watched with awe and wonder as Jesus elevated a group of people whom society would not. In ancient Biblical times, the culture did not value women the way we are valued today. Much like our world today, societal traditions were being practiced that weren't necessarily Biblical. However, Jesus' approach to women was radically countercultural in every way.


There are too many stories to share of how Jesus loved and valued women in the Bible. But look no further than the New Testament to see for yourself. You will find stories of how Jesus affirmed, defended, encouraged, commended, stood up for, and honored women. Jesus took the time to teach women. He replaced their shame with dignity. He held them accountable for their sin. He went out of His way to break cultural and gender barriers so that He could chase down their hearts. He wept with them. He healed them. He equipped them with the confidence to find their identity in Him. He gave them responsibilities and missions to carry out for His eternal purposes.


Women and men were created uniquely from one another. There is, of course, a lot of science behind this statement, but it goes much deeper than understanding that my frame and structure are daintier than my husband's. We have entirely different strengths, interests, and capabilities. Our uniqueness wasn't intended to make one of us better than the other, and arguing this would be ridiculous. Instead, we understand we were created with differences to carry out purposes that God has gifted to each of us individually so that we complement one another as we bring honor and glory to Him. We also understand that anything we accomplish for the Kingdom is not by the power of any man or woman but by the Lord’s power alone.


As a female who has felt the sweet embrace of her Savior, I'm incredibly grateful for my role as a woman, and I don’t take it lightly. It's serious business, and I have many responsibilities on my shoulders. Being a Christian woman doesn't mean I stay home in my kitchen with bare feet baking all day. Though- sometimes, that might actually sound like a fun day for me. The truth is, I only bake at Christmastime.


While a God-honoring woman will undoubtedly lead her children well, and her mission field may start in her home, make no mistake, it never ends there. The mission- field of a faith-filled woman is wherever God opens the door for her. It's everywhere she opens her eyes to see the needs of those around her. This means something different for all of us.


A Christ-centered woman understands that God can use her anywhere. Perhaps for some, your calling is to be a stay-at-home mom, while for others, it might mean being a CEO of a major corporate company. Neither of these roles hinders our ability to live bold lives for Jesus. We must understand that just as God created men and women with unique gifts and abilities, He gave individual women diverse strengths, circumstances, and capabilities as well. He didn't make us one size fits all, so don’t fool yourself into thinking He is that depthless. He is so much more complex than that!


Being a God-centered woman means tuning into the talents and gifts He has given us as we take on the responsibility of living them out for His good and glory. It means we find our confidence and identity in who we are in Him.


God knew I would be empathetic to others' needs. He knew my emotions would stir my passion for telling stories in my writing. He knew I would be the gentler parent to my children. He knew my tenderness would lead me to want others to know His heart. He knew my passion for telling others about Him would lead to a strong work ethic which would lead me to work outside my home.


How did God create you? What unique gifts did He give you that you might use for His purposes? How might He be asking you to step up and use them boldly today?

Understanding Jesus' heart for women has made me love the fact that I am one.

While women in the Bible are indeed praised for being gentle and respectful, don't miss that Jesus also affirmed and commended women for stepping up to fierce and profound roles.


 Remember the woman with the issue of blood who was brave enough to go into the temple despite being unclean? Jesus called her "daughter" and told her that her faith had healed her. (See Mark 5:25)


Remember when Mary of Bethany was bold enough to step forward and anoint Jesus with her expensive perfume? Judas fell into an uproar of anger at her for "wasting" the costly perfume. But Jesus responded by commending her for pouring out her praise to Him and said wherever the Gospel was spoken of, she would be remembered for what she had done. (See Matthew 26:6)


Remember how God could have chosen anyone at all to find the empty tomb, but He chose Mary Magdalene, a woman from whom Jesus had previously cast seven demons? He then gave her the task of going to tell the others, which called her to the striking and significant position of being the world's first evangelist to spread the good news of the His resurrection. (See John 20:1)

(Also see the stories on Esther, Deborah, Pheobe, and more . . . )


Yes, the Bible calls on women to be gentle, humble, and kind, and we shouldn't take these attributes lightly. But don't discount that women were praised for and called to be bold leaders in their faith as well.


There is something so amazing about knowing I'm a daughter of the one true King. I'm left feeling reverent and humble as I understand the love and mercy of my Savior. My heart has comfort and security as I understand that I am defended and protected by my Heavenly Father. I discover great courage and confidence when my identity is found entirely in Him. I feel meek and undeserving as I understand what His grace gave to me. And I am encouraged to step up to whatever work He calls me to and to honor Him as I do it.


There is something delicate and pure yet so daring and fierce about being a woman of Christ!

I want to encourage you today to look directly to Jesus for your answers- not to people. He has eternal purposes and divine callings for women who seek His will. What a treasured honor and purpose we've been given to be called daughters of Christ! So, open your eyes and look around, sweet friend, because living out His calling as a strong woman of faith would be a precious celebration to miss.


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