Soggy Footballs and Hardened Hearts
Jesus, Pride, grace, love, acceptance, Christianity, Obedience], Shame Mackenzie Broyles Jesus, Pride, grace, love, acceptance, Christianity, Obedience], Shame Mackenzie Broyles

Soggy Footballs and Hardened Hearts

While my husband made his way over to the shallow end of the pool to check on me, he couldn't help but laugh the entire way, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the arrogant claim I had made just seconds prior. It was almost too perfect for my husband.

Christian, while I hope you got a chuckle out of my story, I also found a lesson for all of us buried within.

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Feminism With a Biblical Worldview

Feminism With a Biblical Worldview

Perhaps the title of this article sounds like an oxymoron to you, but let me assure you, it isn't. It's no secret that there is much controversy over gender roles within the church today. In recent years I have heard of many sex scandals in news media involving trusted religious leaders and Pastors. I’ve listened to an uproar of people exclaiming women in the church are belittled or oppressed, and I sadly watched as a famous and well-respected Pastor openly shunned and mocked a fellow Christian woman for her leadership position in ministry. So regardless of your stance on this topic, the issue I raise today is likely not new to you.

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