Do You Hate to Admit When You’re Wrong?
Pride Susan McAlinden Pride Susan McAlinden

Do You Hate to Admit When You’re Wrong?

Pride hinders our relationship with God because refusing to acknowledge our shortcomings is an attempt to deny our imperfections. Whether we mean for it to or not, that implies that we are equal with God, and that robs Him of the praise and glory He deserves. We can’t be humble when we have things to hide.

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Soggy Footballs and Hardened Hearts
Jesus, Pride, grace, love, acceptance, Christianity, Obedience], Shame Mackenzie Broyles Jesus, Pride, grace, love, acceptance, Christianity, Obedience], Shame Mackenzie Broyles

Soggy Footballs and Hardened Hearts

While my husband made his way over to the shallow end of the pool to check on me, he couldn't help but laugh the entire way, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the arrogant claim I had made just seconds prior. It was almost too perfect for my husband.

Christian, while I hope you got a chuckle out of my story, I also found a lesson for all of us buried within.

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Does God Know What He’s Doing?

Does God Know What He’s Doing?

Have you ever experienced a moment that turned your life upside down and left you feeling disoriented and distraught? Maybe that describes your current reality and you’re wondering if the future will ever feel promising again. Whether we try harder or deny its existence or numb it or push through it, emotional pain isn’t healthy to ignore. It must be addressed, or it will start to control our actions.

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