“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Psalm 16:11

How do you handle the thorns of life? In my last article , I suggested that life is a wilderness, and one that we were never expected to navigate alone. God’s intention was to live with us in the wilderness, so He can guide us through the thorns of life. As a young adult, I resisted this idea. Maybe you can relate to this reluctance to trust God in your life.

After graduation, I joined corporate America with confidence and faith that I would prove myself and become an important and influential employee. I wanted accomplishment and status. It was exciting!

It was also shocking to discover that my job felt hollow. It was an important task that impacted company success, but it didn’t feel important to me. Eventually, I transferred to a different position that better matched my interests…but surprisingly that didn’t fill me either. Worldly achievement wasn’t going to feed my soul like I expected.

When an up and down multi-year relationship fell apart abruptly and unexpectedly, I was devastated. I started to wonder why I couldn’t find something meaningful in my life. Everything I wanted appeared to be unattainable or disappointing.

Have you ever experienced a moment that turned your life upside down and left you feeling disoriented and distraught? Maybe that describes your current reality and you’re wondering if the future will ever feel promising again. Whether we try harder or deny its existence or numb it or push through it, emotional pain isn’t healthy to ignore. It must be addressed, or it will start to control our actions.

Puffy eyes accompanied wet cheeks as I sat next to a box of Kleenexes at my kitchen table. I blew my nose and laid my head on the cold, hard table. I expected to solve my own problems, but I had no idea how to find satisfaction in life. I knew of God, and I believed in Him. I wondered if something in church could help me.

With my last thread of hope, I found myself sitting in the back row of yet another church after months of church shopping. The pastor spoke about God using the thorns in our lives for a purpose. It was the first time that I entertained the possibility that God might use the emptiness in my spirit for something good, and He might have a better plan than mine to find satisfaction and peace.


 Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (ESV)

The path of life referred to in Psalm 16 is one that is meaningful and abundant. It's scary to trust God because the world around us is a wilderness. We see signs of God, but many times they are overshadowed by sin. Roses have thorns, viruses threaten our health, and our own bodies break down. It’s natural to try and protect ourselves from the thorns of life by relying on our instincts, abilities, and past experiences, but only God knows the perfect path for each of us. In His compassion, God uses the thorns of life to protect us or re-direct us. Instead of striving to avoid them, we should allow Him to show us the way through them.

Psalm 16 is one of many Bible passages that show God is for us, not against us. He wants us to have life, joy, and pleasures. It’s scary to surrender our desires to God because we know He may not provide what we are sure we need, but as our Creator, only He knows perfectly what will satisfy His creation.

I left church that day frail but convicted. I knew of God, and I believed in Him. Now I resolved to rely on Him.

That submission was the start of a new chapter in my life. I had no idea where this was going, but I knew who was driving, and for the first time in my life, it wasn’t me. Surprisingly, it worked.

Victory for the emptiness that plagued me wasn’t found in my striving but in my surrender.

As I pursued Him, He tenderly drew near and healed my broken heart, while showing me another way forward, one filled with hope.

What thorns are you wrestling with in your life? What’s keeping you from trusting God to provide a solution?

A true surrender isn’t easy, but it’s the start of a story that will breathe life into your weary spirit. Ask Him for the strength to take that first step.

Dear Jesus, I’ve struggled for too long with _________ and I’m heartbroken and tired and discouraged. Will you help me surrender my desires to You and trust You for the best solution? Give me faith to rely on You and give me peace that You will do good things for me. In Your name I pray, Amen


Resources to Help

1.      Persist in asking God to reveal Himself to you and determine to believe what He shows you.

2.      Book recommendation: “The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity” by Lee Strobel



1.      “Trust in You” by Lauren Daigle

2.      “Love Broke Thru” by Toby Mac

3.      “It’s Not Over Yet” by King and Country


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