How Can I Forgive Someone Who isn’t Sorry?
Susan McAlinden, Unforgiveness Susan McAlinden Susan McAlinden, Unforgiveness Susan McAlinden

How Can I Forgive Someone Who isn’t Sorry?

A couple of years ago, I received a request to participate in a redemption story for a young woman. She had been caught in the boys’ bathroom at her high school performing a sexual act. It got recorded and another student posted it on social media where it spread very quickly. One of my friends reached out to a few of us with an opportunity to speak truth and life into this young woman. She had obviously messed up, but having her mistake preserved and shared with hundreds of her peers would profoundly impact her life for years to come. This was an opportunity for us to put our faith into action and speak love into her life.

I was all in. What a lovely suggestion! The only problem was, I had no idea what to say.

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When your Oreos are double stuffed with forgiveness

When your Oreos are double stuffed with forgiveness

Forgiveness: Everyone wants it, yet we all struggle to give it.

I'll admit, in the past few years, this subject has taken me on a rollercoaster ride. As a Christian, I desire intimacy with God. So, I want to be obedient and forgive those who hurt me. But in all my humanness, this can be easy to forget.

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Are You Resigned to God’s Will When You Pray?
Susan McAlinden, Surrender, Control Susan McAlinden Susan McAlinden, Surrender, Control Susan McAlinden

Are You Resigned to God’s Will When You Pray?

Recently, I spent the day helping a young friend whom I mentor re-decorate a room in her house. One of the last tasks we had for the day was to hang something on the wall. She brought out a picture she had painted herself. It was perfect for the spot, but it had a minor imperfection that would almost certainly go unnoticed by anyone else. She balked at using it because she said she spends a lot of time in that room and the imperfect picture would bother her every time she was in the room.

After hanging it as a placeholder, she firmly declared that she would replace it later.

How do you react to continual annoyances? You may not be hanging barely flawed pictures on a wall, but you are probably familiar with minor imperfections in an otherwise satisfactory experience or environment.

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When Wedding Vows Go Up In Smoke

When Wedding Vows Go Up In Smoke

While most newlywed fights start over silly matters like him leaving his underwear on the floor or her burning dinner, our marriage started with us learning to manage a blended family, having a child together who had severe medical issues, and Justin was traveling often for his job. As we tried to juggle it all, we both realized that, to make matters worse, each of us had brought a lot of prior baggage to our relationship. The fights were frequent, and resentment ran rampant. Now this was happening, and I worried we wouldn’t survive it.

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Can You Release the Jar?

Can You Release the Jar?

The other day, a jar of enchilada sauce defeated me. I gripped the lid tightly, twisted the bottom in the opposite direction from the top, and tried to access the sauce inside the jar. The lid stubbornly refused to budge. I re-gripped and tried again, but the lid remained in place. A third attempt also proved useless. Various family members passed through the kitchen, and I solicited their help to release the grip of this tenacious lid. Finally, my husband appeared and saved the day. The lid opened with a pop and the jar surrendered its contents to the enchiladas lined up in my pan.

The jar’s top functioned as it was designed. It kept the sauce contained and protected until the contents were needed. If anything, the protective lid struggled to release the sauce when it was time.

I know how the top of that jar felt. I have prayer requests that I have gripped as tightly as the lid gripped that jar because I’m sure they are the right solutions to my problems. You might do the same.

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Boundaries, Toxic Relationships, and Forgiveness- How Should Christians Respond?

Boundaries, Toxic Relationships, and Forgiveness- How Should Christians Respond?

We have all dealt with a difficult person at one point or another, but what are Christians to do with abusive and toxic relationships? What do we do with people who continually hurt or misuse us? How should we handle someone who tries to pull us into unbiblical behavior or keep us from becoming the person God desires us to be?

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