How Can You Tell the Story of His Grace?

How Can You Tell the Story of His Grace?

I love people with stories. I enjoy hearing the journey of how a person gets from point A to point B. I love overcomers and underdogs, and I'm a perpetual sucker for stories that start in the valley and end on a mountaintop.

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Let's always leave room for grace.

Let's always leave room for grace.

I know that most judgmental situations bring a lot more discomfort than this silly story about my husband. Unfortunately, judgment and condemnation can hurt deeply. Maybe you've been shamed for your past mistakes. Perhaps someone demeaned you for being quirky or strange. Maybe they thought you had ill intentions when you were only trying to be helpful. Perhaps you were wrongly accused of something you had no part in. And maybe you were rightly accused, but the judgment brings on deep feelings of shame that cut you to your core.

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What’s Next?
Alyssa Adkins, Change Alyssa Adkins Alyssa Adkins, Change Alyssa Adkins

What’s Next?

I've heard it said that “the days are long, but the years are short.” I dismissed this cliché phrase during the toddler years, but it’s defining these teenaged years. And I’m struggling. What’s next? They’ll all graduate one right after another, and while I recognize the Enemy is trying to distract me from embracing these milestone moments, I can’t deny that I’m starting to wonder what I’ll do after the house is empty. Who will I be? What will my husband and I do with all our free time?

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