What Should I Do?
Alyssa Adkins, Secrets, Conflict Alyssa Adkins Alyssa Adkins, Secrets, Conflict Alyssa Adkins

What Should I Do?

One of the reasons it took me so long to get sober is that I was ashamed of my problem. I didn’t want anyone else to know that I couldn’t control my drinking. I was worried about what they would think. I refused to talk about it to anyone for over two years. All the while my self-confidence dissolved, and my emotional stability slowly weakened…

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What do I do with My Secret...?
Alyssa Adkins, Secrets, Addiction & Recovery Alyssa Adkins Alyssa Adkins, Secrets, Addiction & Recovery Alyssa Adkins

What do I do with My Secret...?

As far as I know, I’m still the only one in our family who can do it. My husband freely admits that he can’t, and not interested in ever trying. The few times my kids could have benefited from trying, there was no way I was going to show them. Visions of them using it for all the wrong reasons kept me from demonstrating a technique I had perfected. How comfortable are you stimulating your gag reflex to make yourself throw up? I’m not referencing this bathroom behavior to introduce you to nights I spent intoxicated on the bathroom floor. No, I’m using it to tell you that I know how you feel.

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