Is God Big Enough To Deal With This?

Greater than the roar of a huge torrent, the mighty breakers of the sea, the Lord on high is majestic.

Psalm 93:4


I remember as a little girl, one particular day, we had ventured to the beach. I was sitting at the water’s edge with my cousins when a fierce wave came crashing in and began to pull me towards deep water. As the force of this wave began to pull me out and just as I was beginning to panic, I felt my Mom’s arms swoop around me drawing me to safety. To this very day, almost 40 years later, I can still remember the moment of pure peace and comfort in my Mother’s arms just moments after sheer panic. You see, while I was completely unaware, my Mom had been watching from afar and saw the oncoming wave and ran to rescue me from the raging waters. 

Sometimes it feels like a wave of stress, chaos or even tragedy can come crashing down on us when we don’t even see it coming. It can seem that it is taking us out, like we are on the verge of drowning and God doesn’t seem to be coming to our rescue. Yet, we see promise after promise in scripture where we can fully trust that He is indeed mightier than any storm that we are enduring.  Your storm that is overwhelming you right now came as no surprise to our Creator. Just like my Mom saw that wave way before it crashed over me, He saw that storm coming way before it came crashing over your life.

 Maybe right now you are sitting there saying, I hear you but:

  • Is God bigger than the storm of fury reigning down on my marriage right now? 

    • Take hold sweet sister, He has you. 

      “But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts up my head.”
      Psalm 3:3

  • Is God bigger than the storm of sickness I was just diagnosed with? 

    • Friend, take refuge in him right now. 

“God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.”
Psalm 46:1

  •  Is God bigger than the storm of despair I am feeling in my soul right now. 

    • Oh dear one, He has promised to restore your soul. 

“He renews my life; he leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”
Psalm 23:3

On and on we could go where you fill in the blank with whatever that storm is that has impacted your life in this moment. No matter how strong the storm seems, our God is stronger.   

When the swells of sorrow or stress or sadness just seem to keep coming, keep running back to Him. Choose Him, because He is indeed big enough to handle any storm that is wreaking havoc over your life.   

He is the peace that stills, the comfort that stays and the joy that endures forever and ever. 


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