How Can I Find a Blessing in My Pain?

“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.”

 Psalm 84:5 (ESV)


Are you going through something right now that feels hard and painful?

 Whether it’s a divorce, the rebellion of a child, an injustice that threatens your future, or a different stressful situation, life isn’t short of difficulties that disrupt our peace and threaten our contentment.

 On top of the ups and downs in each of our lives, society has dealt with a pandemic, supply shortages, inflation, and the war in Ukraine. It’s not surprising that many people say their mental health is challenged. Combining a personal hardship with our societal challenges is enough to steal our hope and rob us of any remaining optimism for the future.

 When our lives are interrupted by unpleasant circumstances, we just want it all to stop and life to return to “normal”.

 My normal was disrupted the other day after receiving unexpected and disheartening news from two different family members. My back stiffened and my stomach dropped. Then my mind raced, trying to prepare itself for a different future than desired or anticipated. Instinctively, I was trying to hold myself together to keep from falling apart. Have you ever felt like that? It’s distressing to face a future that feels unwelcome, upsetting, and unwanted.

 Looking for encouragement, I opened my Bible and tried to focus. Psalm 84:5 started back at me: “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. Psalm 84:5 (ESV).

 My mind froze and blocked out all other thoughts as I stared at the surprising words of Psalm 84:5.

 This verse doesn’t say blessed are those who are healthy, or blessed are those whose families get along, or blessed are those whose lives run smoothly. Nowhere in this verse does it say we have to be strong or find a solution to our problems to be blessed. This verse says we are blessed when our strength is found in Him.

 Wouldn’t it be great to receive a blessing right about now?

 Most of us consider ourselves blessed when life gives us what we want. We celebrate when things go well for people, but God longs to bless us even in our hardest times.

 We miss His blessing because we try to move forward using our own strength. We try to collect ourselves and keep our attitude in check. We continue pushing ahead when we’re exhausted because we think that’s what God expects of us, and if we do that, He will bless us. Nothing is further from the truth.

 God’s blessing isn’t founded on our performance. It’s found in our dependence.

 The idea that God can bless us in our weakness and propel us to greater victories even during our setbacks is the lifeline we need to hope.

 We live in a fallen world, one filled with unsettling trials and upheavals. God doesn’t always protect us from them, but He desires to bless us through them, and He will use the trials to carry us to greater triumphs if we depend on Him for strength.

 Where do you need God to carry you? How could you exchange your coping skills for dependence on Him? Can you trust Him to fight your battles in the valley and turn them into badges of victory? His favor is found in your faith. And in your faith and dependence on Him, you will be blessed.


Dear Lord, you see and know the hurt and pain that’s disrupted my life and threatened my future. Help me to rely on your strength and not my own. I trust you to somehow bless this situation and carry me to triumph. Help my heart believe. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Resources to Help:

1.  Mentally picture your battle. Maybe it’s a divorce, or a broken relationship, or a frustration, or unshakable grief. Now imagine yourself putting that struggle into a box and handing the box to God. In your imagination, look at His outstretched arms reaching for the box and hand it over to Him. Ask Him to fight this battle for you. Then let go of the box.

 2.  Every time you start to act, pray first, and ask Him two things:

a) to give you strength

b) to prompt you with the next step

 3.  Ask God to help you recognize His presence and see His blessing in your distress.


Songs to Help:

 1.  “Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham

2.  “Shoulders” by For King and Country


How Does Grace Work?


What does God have to do with it?