An empty heart that turns toward God will know what it means to be filled

"I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods with singing lips my mouth will praise you."

Psalm 63:2-5 (NIV)

It's that time of year when comfort food becomes, well, comforting. I live in Illinois, where the temperatures can change at the drop of a hat this time of year. We might need a sweater and jacket in the morning, but we wish we'd worn shorts and a tank by noon. We recently had a week of seventy-five-degree days, only to come to Saturday and be hit with cold, drizzling rain and temperatures in the low forties. 

I had previously made plans to take my youngest son to meet an old friend he hadn't seen in quite some time at the local park. Tripp had dearly missed this friend, so despite the unfriendly weather, I decided we'd keep our plans and brave the cold. Tripp and his long-lost pal ran cheerfully around the playground, keeping warm with their exuberant energy and young circulatory systems, while his friend's mother and I shivered miserably on a cold, hard, dampened bench together. The older I get, the harder it is for my body to keep warm. It's as if my bones even become cold now.

After we braved all we could of the cold, Tripp and I came home, threw on some comfy sweats, lit my favorite fall-scented candle, and got the toasty fireplace going. My husband made a hearty and steaming pot of stuffed pepper soup. Then, we all huddled up on the couch with cozy blankets and watched a movie.

My body felt so much comfort and relief from the cold that evening that I was actually grateful to have spent the afternoon in a hypothermic state. Now, I deeply appreciated my warm home, that hot filling meal, and the restful comfort of my surroundings.

The comfort I'm speaking of that day was purely physical. But can you imagine our souls experiencing a comfort so warm and soothing? In my life, I have felt hurt, anger, abuse, addiction, betrayal, anxiety- and so much more. I have known uncomfortable seasons, and my guess is you have, too.

 But friend, when was the last time your heart felt satisfied and full? God wants to bring comfort, warmth, and peace into what feels desolate, cold, and barren. I'm talking about spiritual comfort, not physical. Much like my gratitude for the cold that day, His comfort often leaves us with an appreciation for the pain that draws us near to Him. 

So, how do we comfort a shivering soul? How do we warm a frigid heart?

First, I want to ask if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you have not, I will explain below what it means to be saved. Above all else, this is the first and most crucial step in gaining intimacy with God. 

Perhaps you have already accepted Christ as your Savior, but you still have an emptiness and can't understand why. I'll ask you to consider what your relationship with the Lord has been like recently.

I have heard my husband frame this question to our children like this, but it can apply to us as adults as well: 

He'll ask, "What if your mom and I lived together, but day in and day out, I came home from work and sometimes only nodded my head to her. Other days, I might even say hello, but then, for the remainder of the night, I ignore her and do my own thing, not speaking to her at all. Do you think our relationship would be strong? Do you think that would be enough to keep us close?" They're bright kids, so they always answer, "Well, no!"

"Exactly," Justin tells them. "This is how our relationship with God is, too."

Friends, he's right. We must seek God if we want to enjoy the fullness of His presence and an intimate relationship with Him. 


Pray- Prayer opens the lines of communication between God and us. It connects and aligns our hearts to His.

Study His Word- Some people will call the Bible irrelevant in today's world, but those people likely aren't reading it, and if they are, they aren't asking the Holy Spirit for discernment in interpreting it. Scripture is one of the primary ways God communicates with us and the primary way He reveals himself to us. If we want to know Him and His character, we must study Him. 

Praise Him- Perhaps you don't feel you have much to thank him for today, but worshipping God is about more than thanking Him for material possessions, finances, comfortable sweatpants, fireplaces, and food that fills our stomachs. Praising Him isn't even about your family and your friends. And get this- Praising Him isn't even about YOU. It is Biblical to give thanks to God, and of course, we should be grateful for our blessings, but friend- if we only praise Him for the good pieces of this life, we lose sight of who He is. We can praise Him because He is so very worthy of it. 

David is thought to have written the Psalm for this devotion while he was king, yet at this time, he was fleeing from Jerusalem to the wilderness during Absalom's rebellion. David acknowledges that God's faithfulness is more sustaining than life-giving necessities such as food and water. It didn't matter that David was hungry and thirsty. It didn't matter that he had fled the comforts of his home as the king. He meditated on God's presence in his life. Because David knew what it meant to be without God's presence at points in his life, his circumstances didn't matter once he had it. 

Sweet friend, God will not make our lives perfect. Often, worldly comfort isn't something He likes us settling into. But no matter how low you feel, no matter how deprived and famished your heart may be, He can bring comfort to your soul. Our circumstances don't determine our joy when our confidence rests in Him.

If you do not know Jesus as your Savior but would like to read further-

We are all sinners in need of a Savior.

God is perfect and pure and holy in every way.

The Bible tells us we have all fallen short of God's glory. (Romans 3:23)

So, God sent his one and only son to die on the cross and take on the sin of the world so that ALL WHO BELIEVE will be saved and live in eternity with Him forever. (John 3:16)

The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23). This means that as sinners, we deserve eternity in hell.

Instead, Jesus stepped in the gap, building a bridge for those who believe to be connected to God once more.

If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and you want to accept Him as your Savior, you can pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father, I know I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I believe in my heart that you sent your son, Jesus, to die for my sins and be that Savior. Please come into my heart. Forgive me of my sins, and guide and follow me all the rest of my days. My heart belongs to you, and it is now yours to transform. Thank you for your loving grace and mercy. Amen.

Friend, if you prayed that prayer, we would love to know about it. Please feel free to email or message us on social media; we would be honored to pray for your faith journey.


Is God Calling You to Sit or Serve?


Discovering God by Lisa Mauldin