Why Do You Keep Talking About What You Have Done?


The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.

Luke 8:38-39

I was in a conversation recently when a woman said to me, “I hope when you move, you can move on and not talk about your story anymore. Maybe you can finally forgive yourself.” I was taken aback by the statement and also saddened at the misunderstanding of where I am on this journey and why I do what I do. While I am excited about the opportunity of a fresh start in a new place, it isn’t so I can be silent about who I am or become a new person, hiding what I have been through.


The very reason I continue to share my story is because I live in a freedom that is unmatched. It is a freedom defined by forgiveness, growth, and newness. My passion is to always share the hope of a Savior that will never turn away, to share the love of a Redeemer that desires to heal and restore no matter the depths of darkness. I cannot wait to see how our good God will use me in our new home. I can’t wait to see all the places He leads me to exalt His name.

 Our stories aren’t meant to be silenced in shame, they are meant to be shared in freedom.

 Friend, the same Jesus that delivered the man from demon possession in Luke 8 is the very same Jesus that delivers us from our sin. Freedom from sin gives us freedom in Him. Just as he told that man to go back home and tell all that God had done for him, we are to go and tell all that God has done for us! It has no time limit, it has no boundaries, and we are not meant to ever be quiet. No matter where we are, we share His goodness. Don’t miss verse 39, where it says the man went all over town sharing how much Jesus had done for him. When was the last time you went all over town sharing how much Jesus has done for you?  Who have you told lately about the goodness that Jesus has done in your life? 

I speak my story to speak of His goodness. And now, I will have a new town to go all over and share of His goodness.

Let it be known all He has done. 


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