When Will This Be Over?

“Wait for the Lord; be courageous and let your heart be strong. Wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27:14


We have officially moved to Florida. A long chapter has finally closed and the season is now changing. 

 This closing chapter could indeed be titled “From Temptation to Redemption.” God’s work is miraculous. 

My world imploded in 2014. It was by my own doing, my own choices, my own giving into a trap laid by the enemy, and by God’s grace, healing came. In the midst of it, there were many days I wanted to run far away, start afresh, where no one knew my name or my story. However, the Lord held us right where we were. He made it very clear that we were to stay put; closing doors that seemed to be opening, shutting down opportunities that almost were. It was as though we were in this holding pattern so he could complete His work for that time. 

It wasn’t a holding pattern, it was His plan.  

Oftentimes, when we are navigating hard things, healing in sticky spaces, we want to quickly get through it and skip to the next thing. We convince ourselves that this thing is done, or we believe He has done enough.  All the while, He is simply guiding us to keep walking it out, keep doing the next right thing, because He’s not done. 

Friend, the Lord brought me from ashes, from the depravity of my own sin, into the grandeur of His perfection. It was His timing, His ways, and His goodness that held us right where we were so He could show His glory through my story.

Don’t get caught up in seeking the next thing, that you miss the right now. Don’t decide God is done with a chapter when He is still adding pages. He will make it clear when it is to conclude. 

Until then, let Him move, let Him work, let Him reveal His magnificence through you. 

Let Him unveil His glory because when the chapter finally ends, you will look back in awe and rejoice in His splendor. 

And then…you look ahead at the changing season, the new chapter, with great hope and anticipation for what is to come. 

Hold on dear one, He is still working. 


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