How Can I Trust In The Unknown?

Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

John 20:29

In the last few months, my life has quickly changed, taking a turn I did not anticipate. My husband received a promotion and I could not be more proud, the joy I have for my man is beyond measure. 

However, with that promotion comes a relocation to a place far away from where we are now. While this can be an exciting change, it has brought on a roller coaster of feelings. We raised our children here in Virginia and they are now attending college just a few hours away, this move will have us many more hours away. Can my heart take that?   My career has bloomed here in our church and I love the women I am doing ministry with. Will God give me opportunity in the new place?  We live in our dream home where the walls hold stories and memories to savor. Will we find something just as special?   

I have found myself in deep grief, great anxiousness and mounting worry. If I am not careful, I will begin to spiral into the unknown, sending my mind and my heart off the cliff of panic.

 Ever been there before? 

Deep in my soul, I know God has a plan, I trust that God has a plan, but that path from my mind to my heart just hasn’t fully connected on this one yet. Have you ever been there?  That place where you know it to be true but even still, it is so very hard to trust Him in the unknown. The space where our flesh seeps into the truth of God’s promises because we can’t quite see how it is all going to play out.    

Frankly, this is where the rubber meets the road, and I have to tell myself that. I must turn my focus off myself and to the Perfect Father that so graciously love us, is so very patient with us, and miraculously has a perfect plan for our lives. 

 Throughout my life, I proclaim the truth in God’s Word, I have declared my confidence in His promises, and I have testified of all He has done for me. Yet, here I stand with fear and doubt bubbling up, sensing a bit of myself losing heart that He does indeed have a plan for me beyond what I can see.   

If you find yourself here, know you aren’t alone. We are human and wonder and worry can creep in when the unknown is staring back at us.  Yet, there He is.  There He is, waiting on us to simply sit in His supernatural peace and comfort and rest in the promises that He has given us. He wants us cling to the fact that He loves us and trust that He does indeed have a plan.  

In John 20:29, He tells us that we are blessed when we have not seen but we still believe! He will undoubtedly bless my path, no matter the geographical coordinates. I only need to simply trust and believe. Over and over in God’s Word He proves His love, He proves His faithfulness.  Over and over in my life, He has proven His love and His faithfulness. It won’t stop now. 

Our unknown future is best left in the hands of the proven promises of our God.

When we do that the blessing we receive are:

  • Our uncertainties are transformed to confidence in the love of our Savior. 

  • Our worries are changed to trust in the goodness of the Holy One.

  • Our anxiety becomes peace in the blessings of our Redeemer. 

I don’t know what you are facing in the unknown right now but will you join me in seeking the hope of our Savior to cling to in the midst of it. Let’s do this together, linking hearts in the expectancy of all that the Lord will do in spite of ourselves. 


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